Brace 11-25

We could call it a full-fledged love story.
It begins with a journey and an encounter.
The encounter with the flavours, scents and colors of Abruzzo.
And then, with enthusiasm and happiness, we were born: Brace 11-25, the tradition of the Abruzzo arrosticino summed up in the name!

But why exactly “11-25”?
Because the grill is the real star of our business, we modify the size of its telescopic channel according to the cooking needs: 11 for meat, like the standard size of the skewers, and 25 for cooking some fish.
A type of quick cooking that makes the product crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, with artisanal ingredients to express our passion and attention to detail full of flavour.
Here, sea and land, Romagna and Abruzzo cuisine come together in the formula of the arrosticino and the skewer, a simple and tasty product, able to satisfy adults and children.

About Us

We are Alessandro and Maru and our passion for Abruzzo and for its delicious typical product, arrosticini, was born in 2004 after a trip to Roseto degli Abruzzi.
There were many trips in the following years: Civitella Casanova, Villa Celiera, L’Aquila, Teramo, Pescara, Villanova, Pianella, Collecorvino, Loreto Aprutino and Castelli, and all of them allowed us to deepen our knowledge of traditional Abruzzo cuisine.
A love that has grown over time and that has led us to found Brace 11-25, to bring the atmosphere of Abruzzo throughout Italy and the world!
And it is precisely this love that makes us carefully select and prepare every ingredient and product that we bring to your tables.
We combine the authentic flavors of the Rimini sea with the arrosticini, cooked according to tradition on our embers, for an experience that combines sea and land!

Find us here

Do you want a delicious and quick break? Maybe you want to organize a party, your birthday or, why not, the one of your child?

Our location allows for a pleasant and peaceful stop in a beautiful outdoor kiosk!

Find us here

Viale Ortigara 50 – Rimini (RN)

Opening time

From Monday to Thursday

18.30 – 22.30

12.00 – 14.30 and 18.30 – 22.30

12:00 – 14:30 and 18:30 – 22:00

We’re temporarily closed 


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Contact Us

Contact us

Do you have the same passion as us, are you an ambitious entrepreneur and do you see an excellent business opportunity in this project? What are you waiting for, join the Brace 11-25 family!